Monday 7 February 2011

I got my team!

We set off to Arizona, from Dubai with able bodied men.
After the 8-9 hour flight from Dubai we took another flight into the heart of the wasteland and we set up camp. We started digging early the next morning but we ran into trouble, a big stone was blocking the way. This delay extended the dig for a few hours, luckily I have been trained in rock clearance with high explosives so we were back on track and the next days we much the same                                                                           
This is what our hole looked liked after 3 days
File:McDonald's BigMac ja-1.jpgDay 4
We ran out of firewood so we burnt the priceless irreplaceable artifacts we found while digging, such as the golden Log of Anumime who was apparently a native american. Supplies were going short so we took the RV back to the nearest town and got supplies.When we got back to site we decided to eat a meal and what a meal it was, we had got the family bucket of chicken wings at KFC and we had bought 15 big macs from Macdonalds and a few beers, life was good.   

Day 5
At the carck of dawn we were up and ready to dig, but there was one problem, we had'nt had our EggMcMuffin yet. So we ate our McMuffin and started the dig.